Note: EMGR has moved to its own domain name. This site will remain online (but with closed comments) until roughly July 1, 2007. Please update your bookmarks to visit EMGR at its new location:

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I Hate Rules!

I was not going to have any rules on this blog, but the tone recently has been rather harsh. So I guess we have to have some rules but not many.

1. Comments must relate to the post they are under. Any other comment will be rejected.
2. No individual personal attacks will be allowed. They will also be rejected. (more to save you from your own embarrassment)
3. If you wish to write a post that either agrees or disagrees with me, I will be happy to publish it as long as it contains your first and last name, your title as well the company that you are affiliated with.
4. No profanity.
5. Respect others opinions and always provide the source of a stated fact. Opinions are ok, but rumors presented as fact are not.

If you want to convey a personal message to me, feel free to write me at I promise you that those messages will not be published in this blog without your permission.

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