A Caribbean Audience for an Erie, Pa., Weatherman
Published: August 14, 2005--The New York Times Travel Section
Local television in Jamaica runs to reggae music videos and local talk shows with less-than-professional production values. So it is surprising, if not a little disorienting, for a visitor to stumble upon Joey Stevens, above, a meteorologist in Erie, Pa., as he delivers the Caribbean weather forecast decked out in his version of island appearance: a flowered shirt, with a toy parrot named Bob on his shoulder or a stuffed monkey named Jocko wrapped around his neck.
Since February (2005), his station, WSEE - Channel 35 in Erie, the 143rd (now 142)-biggest television market in the United States - has taped four Caribbean weather reports daily. It has fed them to the Primetime24 satellite, which WSEE provides with CBS network programs.
"I probably have more viewers all through the Caribbean than I do in Erie," said Mr. Stevens, who is WSEE's chief meteorologist. "I tell my buddies I could probably walk into any bar in the Caribbean and get a free drink." (The station's viewers in Pennsylvania do not see the Caribbean forecasts; a seven-day outlook, is available at www.35wsee.com/caribbean.cfm.)
Most evenings, Mr. Stevens, a meteorologist in the Erie area for 28 years, shows pictures of sunsets and beach scenes submitted by his Caribbean fans and does goofy dances to leaven forecasts that often consist of monotonous strings of sunny, hot days.
..."I have a very strong concern for those folks down there on those islands," said Mr. Stevens, who sometimes scrambles to tape the island weather after doing reports for 11 local radio stations. "They've got nowhere to go."
Brian Lilly, who owns WSEE with his brother Kevin, explained that he got the idea for the Caribbean forecasts from traveling in the area and recognizing a lack of local English-language programming.
Lilly Broadcasting has no ratings information about how widely the Caribbean forecasts are being watched, but WSEE has received favorable e-mail messages from across the region: Puerto Rico, Trinidad, Belize, Turks and Caicos, Costa Rica and Panama. There is even a concentration of viewers at the Guantánamo Bay naval station in Cuba, where the cable operator uses WSEE as its CBS station.
The Navy has its own meteorologists, of course, and their forecasts are available on the Internet 24 hours a day. But "it's not the same as seeing it on TV," said Stacey Byington, a civilian spokeswoman for the base.
"Congress passed a law on February 1, 2006, setting a final deadline for the DTV transition of February 17, 2009. Most television stations will continue broadcasting both analog and digital programming until February 17, 2009, when all analog broadcasting will stop.." FCC http://www.dtv.gov/
Need to post a comment that's off topic? Do it in "Shout-It-Out!" See Sunday!
Hmmm. The article states that Mr. Stevens has been a meteorologist in Erie for 28 years.
Let's get the facts straight! Joey Stevens IS NOT A METEOROLOGIST! Joey Stevens has NO formal scientific, meteorological or geological or weather training. Joey merely READS the weather report!
Here are a list of CERTIFIED meteorologists in Erie:
Ray Petelin (AMS)
Kelly Curran (NWA)
Rob Wilson (AMS/NWA)
Julie Coates (AMS)
Tom DiVecchio (AMS/NWA)
Tom Atkins (AMS/NWA)
Brian Neudorff (AMS/NWA)
Those who merely report the weather:
Shannon Solo (Radio guy wannabe weather reader)
Joey Stevens (Weather Reader who got WSEE to put "Chief Forecaster" in his last contract!)
If you need to confirm this please call the following numbers:
WICU 454-5201
WJET 864-2400
WSEE 455-7575
This is EASY to confirm! (Also you can check the web bios!)
I know being a member and being certified can mean two different things. Joey is a member of both the AMS and NWA.
Would someone point us to the certified site and also enlighted us on what it takes to be certified? That would be a real education for all of us.
Write me and I will put it as a special post.
This is the AMS website:
Looks like it will answer all your questions. Hope it is helpful.
Hmmm...Looking at that list of CERTIFIED meteorologists and one can see that Joey Stevens is clearly less qualified than virtually ALL the weather people on the local stations. Yet, Joey is paid the big bucks!!! And at a fading, crappy station!! I can't imagine this sits too well with many of his colleagues. What gets me is not Joey's fat salary, but how the heck does WSEE justify it? Bringing Joey Stevens (and Don Shriver) to WSEE was done for the reason of significantly helping the RATINGS of WSEE! That simply hasn't happened! So what does WSEE do?? They're STILL paying Joey big bucks even while they've laid off several dozen people in recent years. I don't get it. Joey is certainly a recognizable face and well-known among Erie viewers. But he's seriously overpaid compared to what he's brought to WSEE in terms of station success.
In reference to the earlier comment about Joey making sure his contract called him a "Chief Forecaster", that doesn't surprise me one bit if it's true. Some of Joey's antics over the years have convinced me he's an honors graduate of the "Mike Gallagher School of Shameless Self-Promotion"
Jack is correct being a member of the various organizations doesn't mean you have your Seal of Approval from those organizations. Over at 12, Rob Wilson has his Seal from the American Meteorological Society, as well as Tom DiVecchio. Tom Atkins has a Seal from the National Weather Association or the NWA...
On Rob's bio I think this sums up what the various seals mean... "The AMS has basically said that Rob meets their stringent requirements as to quality of broadcast presentation and content and thus can display their emblem."
Brian Neudorff, over at WJET is a meteorologist with a degree and a member of both organizations. Julie Coates (WICU), Ray Petelin (WSEE) and Kelly Curran (WSEE) are Meteorologist, but it doesn't say what organization they are members of.
Bottom line, it comes down to who you like and trust with the forecast. There are a lot of people, Meteorologist or not, that couldn't stand in front of a camera and do what some of these people do.
Trust me, I wouldn't want to take all the crap these people get when the weather is bad or the forecast is wrong, but we have to blame someone...
The next time they get it wrong I think we should storm the stations with pitch forks and torches... Who's With Me!!! well as long as there isn't a lot of wind and snow then the angry mob wouldn't be that big....I guess then never mind.
Ray and Kelly also do forecasts for the Caribbean. In fact, Ray does more than Joey - he does three per day, just not with the parrot.
This is Kelly... Before anyone else corrects the facts, I will. I have not yet earned my "Seal of Approval" from either the NWA or the AMS. I have only been on the air a little over a year and these seals are hard to get. Earning a seal is big deal and I hope to have one soon. But I AM still a Meteorologist, I have my degree in meteorology. I am working on getting my AMS Seal of Approval, and so is Ray. Ray, by the way, has the NWA seal. Joey is not a meteorologist, but I still have a lot of respect for him. He has been forecasting here for a very long time and knows a lot about Erie weather... and the Caribbean. They absolutely love him down there!
Who gives a rip about whether or not a TV weather guy has a seal or not. The major networks don't have meteorologists and quite frankly, the "certifable" meteorologists that I have come across all have the personalities of a damp dish towel, (tea towel for anyone from Pittsburtgh).
My point is that perhaps personality driven weather is better, much better than credentials, unless you live in a weather intense market, "tornado alley".
And don't give me that crap about Erie being "weather intense".
As long as there is bread, milk and beer in the frig, who cares how much it snows.
Joey has made a decent gig doing what he does best. Love him or hate him, he's paying the mortgage and in this day and age, that's quite an accomplishment in TV.
I didn't expect the responses I got so far. I did some checking and the certification has changed considerably and what it means.
The hardest certification to get at present is a CBM. Certifiied Broadcast Meteorologist. Nobody has that one locally. But Nobody. In fact not that many in the United states (181) has passed the qualifications. You need more than just a degree in meteorology.
Some interesting stuff, I plan on doing a post on this in the near future.
I also want to thank Kelly Curan for posting. She is accurate... and cute.
All this talk about weather forecasters reminds me of the time when the weather part of a TV newscast was considered "comic relief." Let's go back to the late 60's...when WJET had for their forecaster Bob Tupper and his weather dummy "Skeebert Skedaddle!" Then there was "Wendy the Weather Girl" over on WSEE. Only WICU kept some degree of respect for the weather during that time with Vance McBryde and Shirley Ramsey.
Geez, I'm old!!!
Except for severe weather, I think the weather segment should be somewhat entertaining. I would have enjoyed seeing David Letterman when he was doing weather. he had fun with it.
My pick as a weather duo team I would like to see on the air for one week... Captain Dan and Alan.
My favorite Letterman Weather forecaster story was the time he congratulated a tropical storm when it was upgraded to hurricane status.
Wow!!! Kelly Curran makes an appearence on this forum! : ) It can be really cool when the personalities from local stations read (or even comment) on this board. On the other hand, I hope my earlier "tight pants" comment doesn't make Kelly decide to give up wearing them on-air!
If Kelly reads this, I also hope she'll also pass on to K.C. Kantz how great I think he's doing so far! His delivery, and his on-air presense and enthusiasm are absolutely awesome! He's the best new sports guy I've seen come along in Erie for some time. And from what I heard, he was working at WSEE while still being a student at Edinboro! Very Impressive!
Wasn't Mark Guy Findlay a weather guy on one of the stations at one point? I may be mistaken, but I thought I heard that. If that's true, what station was it, and when did this happen?
I think Kelly needs more air-time! Specifically in the morning. What a way to wake up that would be. Ray does a good job; but, well, you get my point.
Also, it's rather unfair that people in the Caribbean not only get to enjoy more sunshine but more Kelly Curran as well.
Kelly-Are you single? If so, when can I take you out?
Thanks for responding. I think you are one of the brightest meteorologists to pass through this market in a long time.
Keep up the great work and remember to smile on camera. You have a great smile so don't hide it!
If you ever ski or would like to learn Peak n'peak will be fantastic in another month - just provide the snow, please!
If you ever need a lesson just holler!
I think that ALL the local on-air "personalities" read this board - religiously! And I bet that more than a few have commented as "Anonymous".
By the way, Kelly is on the SEE morning show this week - and, she did have the tight pants on this morning...
"What does 'meteorologist' mean in English? It means 'liar'" ~ Lewis Black
Ok, its funny. I know one Weather Person was told this joke and he didn’t find humor in it. Anyway, hopefully it didn’t offend anyone ;) And if it did, lighten up.
It’s cool that Kelly responded. Sometimes it is more professional for people NOT to comment on this blog, considering how fired up it gets people. I think her comment was appropriate though.
I try to refrain from making comments on this blog that may one day hinder me from getting a job in this market if I decide to get into media again. However, my current career is quite fulfilling. This blog is one my daily reading list. I’m sure there are many other people who “bite their tongue” blog style here.
WOW! 57 comments in Shout It Out and 18 (so far) about Joey Stevens.
Must make you feel good to know people in Erie care so passionately about their media?
I really miss seeing Shirley and Vance...excellent professionals.
Two stories: Shirley was known to often hide a hankerchief in her sleeve to catch the "product" of her smoker's cough.
When I interned at 12 in the early 80's, I remember Vance getting angry over a picture the newspaper ran of him in his Atlantic gas station uniform. He didn't want people comparing how young he looked in the photo.
I have to hand it to the TV weather people. They really have to be multitalented; back in the day they would put up all of those magnetic or felt symbols on the giant map, and now they need high computer graphics skills. Plus the whole deal with the green screen and little remote button...talk about a one-man band!
Regarding Joey: didn't he have the highest Q rating in the market at the time of the station switch, making him worth the big contract? Who has it now?
WX question: what does JET mean when they say "certified meteorologists"? Isn't CBM the only real certification?
If you want to really see some weather antics, check out this guy.
WJET incorrectly uses seals in their weather intros and incorrectly uses the word certified. Tom D. has one seal, Tom A. has one seal, and Brian has none, yet both seals are displayed in the intro of all weather segments (this is against the rules for displaying seals).
i. Guidelines for Use of the NWA Seal of Approval
The NWA Seal of Approval is awarded to the successful candidate, not to the television or radio station where the sealholder is employed. The seal does not imply forecast accuracy. Promotional statements such as, "John/Jane Sealholder's forecast is approved or certified by the National Weather Association," are forbidden. Sealholders may continue to display their seal if and when they change stations. The Seal logo may be displayed only during the sealholder’s weathercasts, or during promotional announcements that promote the sealholder. No product or service endorsements may be expressed or implied in relation to the NWA or the NWA Seal of Approval. Choice of colors used for the trademarked Seal logo is the option of the sealholder. Use of the NWA Seal of Approval or logo without the expressed, written consent of the NWA is forbidden and may result in appropriate legal action. The NWA reserves the right to revoke the Seal of Approval of any sealholder.
I saw a picture of Shirley Ramsey that was taken in the 1950s or 1960s, and she was quite attractive. Jack, wasn't there some rumor floating around local media circles years ago (edit)?
To above anonymous.
As I have said rumors (even old ones) are not for EMGR. Let those that past over, rest in their own peace.
Understood, Jack.
Trivia question: Can anyone name Erie television's FIRST on-air Meteorologist? Heck, I don't even know that one, but I'm sure someone does!
I wonder if the NWA or AMS is aware of how WJET uses their logos in the weather open during its newscasts?
I would dare say the open gives the impression of an NWA/AMS endorsed weather team AND forecast!
Trademark violation? Copyright infringement? anyone?
It would be most interesting to hear WJET's side of this topic.
Meterologists who are endorsed by the AMS/NWS are entitled to display the seals on their work. Therefore, broadcast meteorologists like those on JET are quite within their rights to display the seal on their forecasts. As for JET, why not? They have the only staff that have meterology degree's and the seals. Very important in a market driven by weather.
In a city susceptible to lake effect storms, tornado's, and other life-threatening weather....I don't think I want to trust my safety to a radio disc jockey, an actor, or even a former beauty queen. Thank God we have some meteorologists in this town. We are beyond the days Vance, Shirley, and Skebert Skidaddle!
They (WJET WX Staff) ARE NOT the only staff that have meteorology degree's!
In case you haven't noticed (and I am sure you haven't) there are other degreed meteorologists in this market!
Kelly Curran (WSEE-TV)
Degree - Meteorology
Central Michigan University (minor in math and geography - WOW! beauty AND brains!)
Julie Coates (WICU-TV)
Degree - Meteorology
Ohio University
Rob Wilson (WICU-TV
Degree - Atmospheric Sciences
University of Arizona (Go Wildcats!)
Meteorologist - USAF Reserves
It is most unfair of you (whomever you are) to claim that WJET has the only meteorologists that have degree's and certifications in the Erie market.
I just wanted to post a few examples to disprove your blatant statement! (And please, no off color remarks about my examples - let's keep it clean, shall we?)
You are right that if you are endorsed, you may display the seal. If you are not endorsed, then you are not. Jet does it wrong! Read the rules. Does everyone on jets weather staff have both seals. Does anyone on jets staff have both seals? The answer is NO. If the answer is no, the only possible conclusion is that they are incorrectly showing both seals at the beginning of every weathercast. Which, by the way, is against the rules for displaying the seal. That is the reason "why not"?
Whose the former beauty queen? Tom Atkins?
I was under the impression that all the meteorologists at JET have both NWA and AMS certification seals. At least that's what their weather open tells me - that they are ALL certified by NWA and AMS.
If the anon poster is right and they aren't all certified by NWA and AMS then couldn't JET be guilty of false advertising/promotion and misleading the viewer? (A tough but fair question!)
According to the JET website:
Tom Atkins - No Certifications Listed
Tom DiVecchio - AMS Seal (1998) & Member NWA (not stated if NWA certified as well)
Brian Neudorf - Member AMS & NWA (working on certifications from both agencies)
It would appear JET is really stretching the truth in its weather promotions/opening.
Its all at www.wjettv.com
Don't shoot the messenger on this one. If Tom Atkins has any certifications they should be listed on his bio.
Maybe WJET should modify the weather open until they can straighten this out? It isn't good to fib to the public - all 3 stations do their best. Just don't lie about it!
Excellent points Jack. Maybe the promotions departments at 12, 24, 35 and 66 could impose a moritorium on shamelessly promoting whose weather is best until this thing calms down?
I don't think it will happen either!
(I only thought Erieites took Pizza and Bowling seriously? Guess they don't like to mess around with the weather either?)
Also be careful of using the word "certified" There are various forms of certificaton and we will go thru that next week. Nobody in Erie has the highest right now which is a CBM. That takes a lot of work.
I will agree that the seals are thown around a great deal but that is also the faultr of the ams They have caused the confusion by the changing process.
Right now only 181 have a CBM certifcation. None in Erie. That puts everone on a similar playing field for now.
What is the difference between being "certified" and simply a "member" of either the NWA or AMS?
That would be excellent to point out to us since WJET really blurrs the line between the two.
Give me time. But the point was well made. None of the stations are playing with a full deck on the issue.
The only one fooled or shoudl be confused right now is the public.
You guys are too fast for me. Look for a special short annoucement during the day tomorrow. Not a big deal
There do seem to be some good points made here regarding the certification/member issue and how WJET is portraying their weather staff. Perhaps WJET or Lou Baxter could provide some clarfication on the issue?
Kelly Curran looked very hot this morning on the early news! What a nice way to start the day!
Definitely the hottest female in the market!
A suggestion, tighter skirts!
Seals have lost their importance over the past years. The general public does not know the difference and probably doensn/t really care. It is now basically a professional level of acheivement for the meteorologist. That being said, it is still wrong to muddy the waters and mislead the public, and I think JET pinpoint's team of meteorologists should fix the lie they have been portraying for years.
I swear some in this thread watch the weather just to get horny.
Yeah, if this was in the work place, it could be sexual harassment.
As adults, I think we should remember to be respectful.
If I was advising the management of any of the local stations regarding how wise it is to comment on this subject on this blog, I would say don't do it. It would only get into a further pissing contest where nobody really wins.
I am sure every station knows themselves what they do right or wrong. Each station has some things they would rather hide. That doesn't mean that you the EMGR reader can't point them out and discuss it. Maybe even affect a change.
I agree Jennifer. How pathetic. Hopefully that person doesn't work with skirts or shiny objects.
I don't think that will bother Kelly to much. She has made her views known to me even before her current post.
Besides, I know women who like to see a guys in tight pants too.
Has anyone noticed that Tom Atkins seems to be a little snippy on the air lately? Last week Sean or Karla made a comment about a graphic being misspelled and Tom said "Looks like I'll be getting phone calls again! I'm already used to it!"
I'm sure Tom is a fine person off-air but he really needs to lighten up while on air. Maybe a smile? Perhaps a joke or two? Lighten up please!
If he has such a thin skin maybe he should switch careers and become a politician? UGH! Never Mind!
In other news I would love it if Kelly Curran did the weather while dressed up in a female Santa suit! You know, the kind Mariah Carey wore on the cover of her X-Mas CD...(edit: take a cold shower)!!!
I wonder if WJET will ever respond to the false promotion allegations regarding the NWA/AMS seals? It really isn't nice to fool the viewer by lying and saying your staff is better because of its seals.
Back in the mid-1990's WICU had a meteorologist named Bob Becker. At the beginning of the weather the announcer said "Meteorologist Bob Becker's forecast is approved by the National Weather Association." After 3 weeks of this the NWA got wind of it and told WICU not to run the open. Then it simply became "And now the weather with NWA Certified Meteorologist Bob Becker."
See how the wording and a simply change can make a HUGE difference.
Time for WJET to become honest and stop lying. And for the others to do the same.
I probably have to agree with the one poste that viewers are so confused that they don't know what it means. I would not doubt that they think AMS is a government agency who certifies weather much like NOAA.
Again, I think that the AMS is the cause of the confusion as they go from one certification program to another.
In my opinion, the fact that the weather guy or gal has a degree in meteorology from a fine school is more imporant.
But it would be nice if one Erie Weather person did go for a CBM. Again we will talk about that next week.
With regard to various comments regarding Ms. Curran's outfits and physical appearance, it should come as no surprise that she chooses to dress provocatively in order to attract the attention of males in the audience (e.g., increased # of viewers = better ratings / popularity). And it must be working to some extent, given all of the remarks seen here. I'm certainly all for it, and given that the weather information delivered on local newscasts is basically a 'commodity' distinguished only by the presenter's skills & assets, I don't have to think twice about which station to watch when Kelly is one of the choices.
Similarly, why do you think that Mr. Stevens always wears his trademark flower on his lapel ? It's not because he is an avid gardener or horticultural enthusiast (well, maybe he is but I digress). It's because women enjoy watching a sharply dressed man and the flower helps display his "softer side" to the delight of the weaker sex.
That is what gets people talking and builds those Q scores.
Otherwise, we might as well just click on the weather radio and listen to the automated voice read the forecast.
Vive la difference !
After much thoughtful discussion the EMGR Editorial Board has decided to no longer accept any further posts regarding Kelly Curran.
Ms. Curran is a good friend of EMGR and in the interest of fairness and good taste we will no longer accept comments on Ms. Curran.
Jack, I hate to say it, but your board (which is a truly great one), just took a step backward.
The EMGR Editorial Staff thank you for your viewpoint. We would like to encourage everyone to voice his or her opinion on any of our topics. The EMGR Editorial Staff works hard under the direction of Jack Tirak to come up with interesting and relevant topics.
That being said, sometimes you have to go back to the future!
I would also like to express to the editorial staff another asepect of my viewpoint. If the comments about the lady were of any kind of lewd nature, than I would certainly understand the decision. But if myself or another person comments on the clothing of a local television personality, well, that's the "image" that we (the viewer) are seeing on our television. And the comments we make here were no different from what many of us were already saying to friends, around the water cooler, television, etc.
This topic was about Joey Stevens and his forecasts for the Caribbean region. The early commentary then shifted to meteorological certification - a VERY valid point. However, the comments then shifted to on-air appearance and attire.
The EMGR Staff wishes to keep this topic on point. We will accept commentary on meteorological certifications and related subjects. If you wish to comment on the latest fashions then might we suggest "GQ" or "Vogue" Magazines!?
As always, thank you for your continued support of Erie's Fastest Growing Media Blog!
The decision was not aimed at you or anyone specifically. But the nature of the discussion was going in the direction of going over-the-top. Even yestereday I had to edit a few posts. Your post was not out of line as it also spoke of Joey.
Your post was balanced. I agree with A.B.D. that the discussion about Ms. Curran had probably run its course in the wardrobe and fitting department.
Feel free to make other comments about Ms. Curren's other professional abilities or lack there of.
Thanks to both Jack and Alan for the clarifications. I appreciate that.
While off the subject of seals....could someone explain why there is a "seal" statue at the foot of State street on what will always be the "Public Dock" to me.....oh and by the way, our show features the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval. In addition, I enjoy the song "kissed by Aunt Rose" by seal !
The Captain is true to form.
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