George's background is in sales. He's from Boston, and is a huge Boston Univ. supporter. Back in the 1980s, he was the GM at a station in Buffalo, and he, along with the backing of an investment group bought the NBC affiliate there in the mid-1980s for $56 Million. (WGR) Within two years, they sold it for $100 Million to Tak Communications. (Remember this was the crazy 1980s)Anyways, this was encouraging enough for George to pursue other station opportunities. He settled in Montecito (California) after he purchased the NBC affiliate, KSBY-TV in neighboring San Luis Obispo. He sold this station a few years ago, but he still has a group of stations, primarily on the east coast. Most of his stations purchases are largely financed by outside investment firms, such as Alta and Blackstone, and while his name may be on the license, the equity is with the financial backers. Since Blackstone was recruited by Emmis to explore the sale of the stations, it seems likely that Blackstone decided to grab KHON and the other three mainland stations, and have SJL run them.
SJL refers to the initials of one his children.
OF NOTE OF THE KHON/KGMB duopoly: SJL had a similar scenario in Erie,
PA. SJL owns the NBC station, and it wanted to own the CBS station in the market as well. It could not, however, due to the FCC rules. George Lilly simply put the CBS license in one of his grown sons' name, (Kevin) yet the NBC station technically runs both stations (Brain).The elder Lilly has been encouraging his sons to enter broadcasting; they owned a small ABC station in upstate New York (WENY), but in checking the FCC records, it looks like the financial partner, Mercury Capital took over the majority of the equity of that station--A usual consequence when the station is mismanaged, or the debts are not satisfied on schedule.
For the most part, SJL stations are good operations. George Lilly puts a lot of trust in a team of tv managers, lawyers, accountants who keep an eye out for him. The only red flag is the financial makeup of most of the SJL properties, which have a great deal of equity with financial firms, not broadcasters. While Broadcasting is still a business, the MBA-Pencil-Pushers (bean counters) will always be quick to cut costs or sell a station at a moment's notice, in order to keep the books looking good.
(Editor’s Note: SJL/Lilly recently sold Channel 10 in Altoona for 56 million to
NEXSTAR, the owner and operator of WJET-TV and WFXP. According to most of the
trade press, SJL reputation is to buy stations, cut costs and sell for a
handsome profit. Just to end any speculation that might exist, George, Brian and
Kevin Lilly are not the same Lilly’s of the pharmaceutical name.)
"Congress passed a law on February 1, 2006, setting a final deadline for the DTV transition of February 17, 2009. Most television stations will continue broadcasting both analog and digital programming until February 17, 2009, when all analog broadcasting will stop.." FCC http://www.dtv.gov/
It's Digital or Nothing in 2009!
May I ask why are you obsessed with the Lilly Family? It seems anytime you speak of them (Lilly) you are always negative and condescending. Do you think for the sake of civility you could find something positive to say about the Family Lilly?
George Lilly did NOT buy WSEE-TV. Kevin Lilly's company purchased Channel 35. George Lilly and SJL/Montecito Broadcast Mgmt. has no ownership in WSEE-TV. Channel 35 is under an LMA (That's "Local Marketing Agreement") with Channel 12. WICU "SUPPLIES" the engineering and operations personnel to Channel 35. WSEE runs a news operation seperate from Channel 12.
I guess it really doesn't matter what I say. You will post this along with some smartass comment that I am wrong and you are right?
You can't win for trying. I thought I posted a very neutral history of the company which begins with the father and his financial backers. The names on the license are hardly material anymore. Brian Lilly himself told me he runs and is reponsible for both stations. The Lilly's have made their own reputation. It is what it is.
First of all Jackie boy, Lilly still owns WENY. They bought out Mecury Capital last year. Secondly Jackie boy, you should learn to spell or read what nonsense you spew before you post it. I'm really looking forward to your "Serious" of profiles of Erie Media.
Apparently, your hard-on against Lilly stems from WSEE not granting you a waiver for SEE-BS on Dish. Tough noogies Jackie boy.
Obviously, your permament disability is a mental one. Cheers!
Right you are Mr. Annonymous. They do still own WENY. Didn't say they didn't nor did the Hawaii. Just said the equity changed...not the license.
Now for the DISH request for a waiver for HD. Right you are again.It seems that SJL/Lilly is quick to beg the FCC for a waiver over and over again but continues to deny its own viewers the opportunity to see CBS in glorious HD. So yes.. I do have a "hard-on" for broadcasters who do not act responsibly and destroy a fine station. I might even post Dan N's official reply on that.
As for disabilities... I wonder who is the real sick one to poke any fun of people with disabilities and the mentally ill.
What a perverted way to make an arguement! I guess SJL/Lilly supports disability bashing too?
I can't believe you can't spell "Series?" Is it true you are pissed at Lilly because WSEE wouldn't grant you a sat waiver? I think that's a little juvenile!
Maybe your disability is not being able to spell or form sentences properly?
Time to show your cards Jack! Please post "Dan N's" official reply on your denial for a satellite waiver. I'm sure it has to do with "corporate policy?"
Do you really think you are making any difference whatsoever? I haven't read any official replies from WSEE/Lilly. Maybe they are hard at work buying the necessary equipment to transmit a Digital signal? Maybe you are wrong. I hope you are wrong. The commentary on your blog is shortsighted and lacks vision. When the Digital Channel goes online you are going to look like a babboons ass!
You spend way too much time on this. When was the last time you took a walk? kissed a girl? actually left your parent's basement?
When You Say Budweiser You've Said It All!
"Hey Baby! How 'Bout Another Beer!?"
You know. I hope you are right. At least I print my name to what I write and not hide like a spoiled child. Nothing would make me happier than to see WSEE with a digital channel on the air in the next few weeks in HD. I am sure CBS would be happy too. This is one time we both agree. Lilly has the cash to do it and even to hire some of the 28 people plus he let go. Now that's really believing in Erie isn't it?
Coors.. I think "you said it all." Except I am stuck on the 2nd floor of my house.. my parents are dead and I have a lovely wife to kiss as often as I want.
The only thing I am missing is CSI in HD and that will come soon.
According the the last FCC records, Mercury Capital has at least a 53% interest in WENY. 1/31/2005. In 2001, Lilly reported 100%
AA...It's pretty easy to hide behind your "anonymous" identity. How can you expect anyone to give you any credibility if you won't even claim your own accusations? I'm guessing you're a little too close to the situation to be objective.
Shannon--not anonymous....
You hit it on the head and no supporting facts to substanciate either.
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