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Monday, November 20, 2006

Fox Says Yes...Affiliates May Say No!

(From Broadcast and Cable)

Monday, November 20, 2006

Fox Stations Kill OJ Special

By Jim Benson

After worldwide condemnation of Fox’s two-part sweeps special, O.J. Simpson: If I Did It, Here’s How It Happened, North Dakota’s Prime Cities Broadcasting is refusing to air the interview. Historically, affiliates topple like dominoes after the first bows out. That could leave the fate of the Nov. 27 and 29 special, dubbed by one critic as "the most despicable sweeps-month stunt in history," up in the air. Nov. 29 is the last day of sweeps.

For the full story... click on above link.
Update: FOX Says No J. to O.J. TV and Book both Cancelled


Anonymous said...

Fox has just announced that they are cancelling this show - I just heard it on CNN. News Corp. is also cancelling the publication of the book. Wow, a media company actually made a decision for good - not for profit! Go figure...

Anonymous said...

Kudos to FOX! Thank God someone actually stood up to Simpson and said "NO!"

Jenson said...

Another network may not pick it up, but that does not mean we won't be seeing more details about the book...

I don't think this is over.

Anonymous said...

I hope to hell this is over.

Let O.J. crawl back under the rock from whence he came.

Jack Tirak said...

Personally, I think Jennifer is right.

Something else will just pop-up about OJ to grab the media attention.

It's not over until it is over.

Anonymous said...

My question is...will eBay and You have the decency to leave this book/video off their sites should someone try to post them???