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Friday, December 08, 2006

PA Taxpayers Get Chewed Out!

(Editor’s note: Want to know how Governor Rendell is spending the tobacco settlement money and some of the tobacco tax?
Take a look at the new campaign that will be wheeled out by The Pennsylvania Department of Health targeted to teens who chew tobacco.

Just click on the spots as indicated but don’t do it just before or after you eat.)

The Pennsylvania Department of Health has launched two TV spots and two outdoor ads in an effort to curb the use of chewing tobacco. One ad shows a
depressed mouthful of teeth mourning the loss of their brethren from chewing tobacco. Watch the ad here.

Another ad shows the same teeth looking for their "friend" Pete. He's M.I.A. and the others will be, too if chewing tobacco stays in the equation. Click here to watch the ad.

TV ads are running on cable networks in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, Wilkes-Barre, Johnstown/Altoona and Erie. Outdoor ads are running in Philadelphia, Pitts
burgh and Harrisburg airports. The Neiman Group created the ads and Harmelin handled the media buy.

"Congress passed a law on February 1, 2006, setting a final deadline for the DTV transition of February 17, 2009. Most television stations will continue broadcasting both analog and digital programming until February 17, 2009, when all analog broadcasting will stop.." FCC

This Christmas is an HD bonanza everywhere but Erie.


Anonymous said...

Maybe I'm missing something, but the only tax dollars going to fund this campaign are coming from smokers. And even if it were coming from my pocket, I'd have no problem with this expenditure. ANything to keep kids from shortening their life.

After all, tobacco is the only legally made and sold/government funded product that, if used in the manner it's designed, will kill you.

Anonymous said...

This figures! Government just loves to waste the taxpayers money!

The guy in the photo with the cell phone looks like he could be pretty-boy Bo Koltnow's brother!

Jack Tirak said...

I am a life long non-smoker myself so I welcome education campaigns.

Just not sure this one really talks to the teens. When you try to scare a teen, you might drive him into it.

Actually I think it seems aimed at the parent to get after their teen.

The issue is an important one. I hate seeing kids chew and spit. Actually the campgains I think that have been the best have been the one's designed by the kids themselves.

Florida had a great campaign.

Anonymous said...

When does the government go after the REALLY important stuff? Drinking and driving kills lots of people a year also.

If the government wants to be really politically correct then try and ban alcohol along with smoking!

Anonymous said...

I think the government should take all that money and fund HD in Erie. That is the most important issue EVER! HD! Who cares about anything else?

Jack Tirak said...

To Above Anonymous...

The state government did fund HD to all the PAPTV stations. That is why WQLN DTV 50 can broadcast all the PBS programming in glorious HD when there.

Too bad WQLN could not afford any longer to carry the PBSHD network.
When I contribute to WQLN, I ask for my dollars to be used exclusively for HD.

But Anonymous...I know you were tongue-in-cheek. Just so there is not a wad of chew in that cheek.

Anonymous said...

I cant wait to see these psa's in HD YUM!