(Editor’s Note: A reader sends in a question about former Erie Radio talk show host on the old Flagship 1330, Pat Campbell. Wondered if it was the same guy that was mentioned in this Orlando Sentinel item by Scott Maxwell)
"Morning radio host Pat Campbell is now tapping into a much larger audience than
his middle-of-the-ratings-pack home at 540 AM (WFLA) usually provides. His new side gig: serving as a panelist on MSNBC every Friday at 4:30 p.m. with anchor Tucker Carlson. The segments are live -- though one had to be taped because Carlson was competing on ABC's Dancing with the Stars. Carlson's two left feet, however, solved that problem last week when he was the first one
booted off the show."
Yes it is him and proud to be politically incorrect as ever. (His words... not
mine). He also has made several guest shots on the “O’Reilly Factor” on FOX. His radio show from WFLA is also nationally syndicated. At least he is in the middle of the ratings in Florida. That's much better than he did here in his home town.
mine). He also has made several guest shots on the “O’Reilly Factor” on FOX. His radio show from WFLA is also nationally syndicated. At least he is in the middle of the ratings in Florida. That's much better than he did here in his home town.
"Congress passed a law on February 1, 2006, setting a final deadline for the DTV transition of February 17, 2009. Most television stations will continue broadcasting both analog and digital programming until February 17, 2009, when all analog broadcasting will stop.." FCC http://www.dtv.gov/
Affiliate Rule #1...Don't Piss-Off Your Network!
I see your comments have really dried up lately. No worries! It is all good. We have nothing to worry about. I hear the Congress is getting massive pressure from public interest groups to REPEAL the analog drop dead date. Seems $40 vouchers (bribes) won't help the poor and middle class get new sets. Its going to be repealed Jackie boy and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it!
How does it feel to back the wrong horse? Bet this is the first time in your life you have been wrong?
Digital in Erie just isn't gonna happen. Face it! Truth hurts! (Your sources can't help you now!)
You must be dreaming my friend. Your dealing in rumor and I deal in law and fact. Sorry Charlie. You lose FCC is not going to make special rules just for Erie and another set for the rest of the country where they already invested in digital. Try to get Congress and the President to change their mind.
I didn't know you indirectly supported the terrorists of 911 and natural disasters like Katrina? I didn't now that money was more important than the lives of people? That is just one part of what going digital is all about.
But you have your priorities. Because that is who you will be helping. Besides..almost no analog sets are being sold. Get with the program that 16 million Americans have already embrassed.
What's any of that blabber have to do with a Pat Campbell thread? LOL.
I almost rejected the comment based on that very reason until I realized how ridiciouse a postion he put himself in. But don't think anyone would consciously support terrorism, but not thinking and not realizing the consequences of 911 and Katrina is also not responsible. We need to provide our fire, police and first responders with the tools to save lives. Digital makes that possible.
I really hope people from outside Erie don't look at comments like the ones left by 12-24-35-54-66 and use it to strengthen their case that Erie is a backwards backwoods kind of place. It really is ignorant. I have posted here before about Erie needing to embrace change and I know for a fact from my regular visits back home that anyone with half a brain and most likely under 40 in Erie does not reflect those moronic comments. Keep up the good fight Jack. Maybe you should expand your blog beyond media and also speak to the state of Technology in Erie?
Maybe someday I will, and I totally believe in what you say about Erie needing to keep up with technology and encourage it. My son is a software engineer and there is no opportunity in Erie for him. That is a a field that is hot for job opportunities but not in Erie. He is in Rochester. Good Point. But let me take one fight at a time. lol
Dear 12-24-35-54-66:
Learn how to spell. You must work in sales at WSEE, brainless and greedy.
It's nice to see a local kid make it. It's a shame they have to leave Erie to be successful. I remember him back in the day before Rick Rambaldo killed talk radio. He used to get into some great pissing matches with barry dain steinhagen(sp) and the owner of wlkk.
As I remember it he did pretty well in the ratings(for talk radio). I think you might be confusing him with Barry Grossman who really tanked on air. Two other guys that moved on to bigger things, although not local guys, Sandy Beach does talk in Buffalo and George Woods does morning talk in St. Louis. Dan Geary had a chance to go to Cleveland at one time but decided to stay put in Erie.
What ever happend to Mark Guy Findley? I use to love him and Bags in the morning.
-Radio Old Timer
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