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Thursday, September 14, 2006

Dancing With the FCC…Cha…Cha…Cha.

Will the Federal Communications Commission dance the Cha Cha Cha with SJL/Lilly or will they get the Buffalo Shuffle from the commission? The FCC is expected to act by October 1st on Lilly Broadcasting (SJL) request for an extension of their construction permit for WSEE DT 16. Their extension request did not specify a new anticipated construction date to the FCC. Lilly sited the reason for the current delay as severe losses of revenue. In 2005, they reported that WSEE lost $400,000 and in the first 6 months of 2006 the losses had reached nearly $700,000.

The FCC has several possible dances they can do.
Dance 1. The Jive--Grant the extension and set another date for construction. If Lilly does not have a digital on the air by that date, they can again (Oiy-Vey) file another request for an extension.

Dance 2. The Quick Step (Or is it the SJL Side Step) Deny or reject the request and set a final drop dead date that Lilly must have a digital station on-the-air.

In the number 2 dance, (I would hate to speculate on the consequences) the FCC dance judges could impose if the digital station is not functional. We will just have to wait and see. For the good of the remaining employees and the community, I hope the digital can be constructed swiftly by somebody.

The rumors are really flying but nothing I want to put EMGR name too. We don't deal in rumors. (or is it Rumba's?)
Remember…"It Takes Two To Tango" and the dance floor has been known to be rather busy but oddly, nobody wants to dance to the music.
"Congress passed a law on February 1, 2006, setting a final deadline for the DTV transition of February 17, 2009. Most television stations will continue broadcasting both analog and digital programming until February 17, 2009, when all analog broadcasting will stop.." FCC

The EYE is STILL watching and doesn't like what they can't (W)SEE.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Touche, Tirak!