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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Radio Can “Magnify” Your Life!

It is not often I would write about a religious program. However, Magnify on WJET- Radio (Sunday at 7 PM) deserves a comment and a pat on the back for being different. Hosted by Monsignor Tom Snyderwine, the hour long broadcast is composed of discussions and interviews with authors and experts in various fields. Each program deals with an aspect of our personal life, our times and our troubles. For shut-ins, the program also includes a Mass from Saint Luke’s in Erie.

To be sure, this is a Catholic program and you’re not going to hear the host dissent from current Catholic doctrine. But Msgr. Tom does tackle the toughies like the shortage of priests, a married clergy and all the moral and current issues of the day. In fact, the first segment of Magnify is devoted to current news that doesn’t always get the full attention of the main stream media.

While always Catholic at its heart, it does include a full ecumenical perspective with interviews of ministers and rabbis. (If there is anything we need today, it is understanding) Terrorism and threats to our freedom also get aired with the experts in the fields. You can listen to past programs on-line at Take a look at the titles of this past month’s programs and you will see what I mean.

What has impressed me, besides the frank discussion, is that the production values have become first class. Msgr. Tom has a pleasant voice that talks to the listener rather than dictate to them. Oh!... The radio production bells and whistles are there too. He also has his own bumper music between segments and the recording of the Mass is tailored for the radio audience by reducing pauses, coughing and other annoyances that can make its way into a microphone. The production sophistication is due to Msgr. Tom’s right hand man (or as Bishop Sheen used to refer to as his “special angel”) producer Jerry Sobrowski. Deacon Jerry, as he is known at Saint Luke’s, has less than 24 hours to record the Mass and edit in all the other values that make this presentation smooth and appealing to the ear.

I have to admit that when Msgr. Tom told me about his idea for Magnify many years ago, I told him that it wasn’t “commercial enough.” Well…he has sponsors so it makes it “commercial enough.” (I had to do extra Hail Mary’s to make up for that slip.) I guess I didn’t count on divine intervention and determination.

What makes Magnify relevant as a radio program is that it is always topical. You may agree…you may disagree with the points of view expressed. However, it does make for good Sunday talk radio.

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