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Friday, October 06, 2006

Crime Wave at CBS still Strikes Gold!

Top 10 Prime Time TV Shows Week Of September 25-October 1, 2006

(Here are the rankings for national prime-time network television last week as compiled by Nielsen Media Research. They are based on the average number of people who watched a program from start to finish. Nielsen estimates there are 283.5 million potential viewers in the U.S. ages 2 and older. Viewership is listed in millions.)

Rank Program Network Viewers

1 CSI CBS 23.77
2 Grey’s Anatomy Thu 9 PM ABC 23.48
3 Desperate Housewives ABC 21.42
4 Dancing With The Stars ABC 17.91
5 CSI: Miami CBS 17.79
6 NBC Sunday Night Football NBC 16.94
7 Survivor: Cook Islands CBS 16.84
8 Criminal Minds CBS 16.54
9 Ugly Betty ABC 16.32
10 CSI: NY CBS 16.21

(Editor's Note: How Many Really Watched Ugle Betty on ABC?)

Source: ABC-TV and Nielsen Media Research data as printed on

"Congress passed a law on February 1, 2006, setting a final deadline for the DTV transition of February 17, 2009. Most television stations will continue broadcasting both analog and digital programming until February 17, 2009, when all analog broadcasting will stop.." FCC

Opinion: Broadcast Consultants Are Cookie Cutters. If You Don't Fit In To Their Mold... They'll Try To Squeeze You In Anyway.


Jenson said...

A lot of people are talking about Ugly Betty in the Blogosphere.

I caught the first episode being replayed on ABC Family and found it interesting after having read several posts about it. I'm surprised... really surprised... to see it in the top ten!

What I don't get is how people still watch Survivor.

Ron said...

Mandy Pitankin is one of the most underappreciated actors around I think. His performances in Dead Like Me and other shows were excellent. He even had a stint in Elmo in Grouchland as a mean old stingy guy with huge eyebrows, and played it spot on.

Jack Tirak said...

Ron...I agree with you about Mandy. I had a chance to meet him years ago and shared a monorail with him and his family at Disney World.

He is a sensitive actor.

Ron said...

You lucky bloke Jack! He's one of the few actors I'd actually pay to have lunch with or something like that, him and Jeff Goldblum mostly.

When you say he's sensitive, what do you mean? Did you get a chance to speak with him?

Anonymous said...

Can someone please explain to me the appeal of "Grey's Anatomy"? I tried watching the last two episodes and for the life of me don't understand why this is a top 5 show?? Horny, spoiled doctors? Big Deal! Anyway, I must be living in a time warp since the show is so damn popular.

Does anyone know how "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip" is doing in the ratings? Now that is an interesting show. I like the whole behind-the-scenes of a TV show concept. Since there isn't any sex or cheating going on its probably dead last in the ratings? SIGH!!!

Oh for the days of quality TV!

Jack Tirak said...


Yes we did speak briefly. Mostly about our mutual families and what we were doing at Disney World. My daughter was also in love him him at the time and she was dumb struck.

I should have been more descriptive when I said senstive. The rolls he plays are usually very deep and complex charactors and he acts with his entire body not just the face. You sort of get the feeling of what is going on inside the charactor's head without him saying a word. Does that help or fit your impression too?

Ron said...


I understand what you meant and I agree. If you've ever seen Dead Like Me on Showtime (It was unfortunately only on for 2 seasons), the way he played his character, Rube, is exactly what you are talking about.

Rube had a troubled past that he seemed to be trying to atone for. In many of the scenes where his past started to be revealed bit by bit, he didn't speak at all, but the way he carried himself and his expressions spoke volumes. That to me is the sign of a great actor, not looks, high budget action scenes or bold speeches.

Jack Tirak said...

I'll answer two.

Studeo 60 is in 3rd place in its time slot. NBC has not cancelled it and there has nothing so far been written that it is on the NBC chopping block. "Kidnapped" is already cut.

Ron...You can still see episodes of Dead Like Me on HDNET in HD. It is a compelling drama. But perhaps too dark for today's viewer. That is Les Moonves opinion, not mine.

Anonymous said...

If not for Sunday Night Football being the Number 6 program, NBC would be in even WORSE shape than it is already. Interesting to see what will happen to the Peacock Network's ratings when the season ends and there is no more football on Sunday night!

I don't ever recall a period in time (correct me if I am wrong) when NBC had such a weak schedule?

Jack Tirak said...

The last few seaons haven't been great shakes for NBC either. Thursday night NBC magic was gone with Friends.

Jack Tirak said...

I should add that the national ratings don't parrot themselves locally ever. WICU does much better with NBC and the reverse is true with WSEE and CBS. There were days that WICU could just broadcast a test pattern and get a good audience.

Go figure.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of WICU: have you noticed that Channel 12 has stopped doing some live broadcasts during the news? No more "Band of the Week" Live from CHAMPION Ford Friday nights at 11pm. No more "Where in Erie is Julie Coates" during the WICU Morning News.

I know the almighty dollar rules in TV, but why drop these? They were popular and people liked watching them. Did it REALLY cost that much? I mean I heard WICU is still paying on its FIRST live truck (purchased 1996) but this is ridiculous!

Anonymous said...

Well here we are, another Sunday night and our only choice for news is Channel 24! Channel 12 doesn't have Sunday night news anymore because football ends at 11:30 and they want to save money!

Channel 35 has that STUPID Otters' program on!

Oh to live in a City with REAL TV stations!

Anonymous said...

I watched "Criminal Minds" for the first time last evening. All I can say is WOW! Mandy Pitankin was fantastic. A great show with a great cast and great story line. This has all the makings of being an all-time great show.