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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

WSEE Can Find Fortune By Playing Jeopardy!

Answer…This syndicated game program which aired in most markets at 7pm was a bigger ratings bonanza for WICU at 6 pm?

Answer…WICU News at 7 pm? (I wish I could add sound effects)

Got the Jeopardy Questions? If on.

WSEE has the opportunity to shake up the Erie television scene if they just used some imagination and looked to their sister station’s history. (I know…why is Tirak even interested in helping WSEE? The truth is we need a competitive broadcast environment rather than the same old…same old formula. )

What do I mean? I wrote recently that one of the problems with local television is the horrendous influence of consultants who want to use cookie cutter answers for everything. “They do it in Peoria so they should do it in Erie.”

Years ago, WICU was one of the few stations that programmed “Wheel of Fortune” at 6 pm and local news at 7 pm. And it worked. Wheel did extremely well during the early time period against the other two newscasts. In total, the Homes Using Television (HUT) was extraordinarily high and the newscasts didn’t suffer from the competition. Everybody won.

Most surprising of all was WICU did tremendously well with news at 7pm for over 30 years. They owned the time period. In the latter years, the HUT levels were still high but the audience demographics tended to skew over the age of 50 and that was WICU’s problem. They tried to solve it with a young and inexperienced staff but then finally relented to the cookie cutter consultant's hatchet.

After years of being beaten over the head by some high priced consultants, WICU moved their news to 6 with the rest of the east coast robot pack. Now Erie was like everywhere else with Wheel and Jeopardy from 7 to 8. Robots in step.

My view is that this is old programming thinking. It was a bad decision then and remains a worse decision today in Erie with all the other options viewers have. No reason to give viewers a real choice.

For WSEE, providing a choice can represent an opportunity... if management will just think out of the box instead of keeping their nose in their butt. Today the words “counter programming” can provide viewers with an alternative they desperately seek.

That’s right! I am suggesting that WSEE go back to the original WICU formula. They own the two properties that used to be on WICU. Move Wheel to 6 pm and provide the viewers with an alternative to other news and move their newscast to 7pm. Instead of forcing the viewer to pick which newscast to watch at 6 (And WSEE always comes out at the short end), the viewer can have a true selection and provide an opportunity to later sample the WSEE newscast. WSEE would also have the luxury of another hour to prepare and update the news over what the other stations had at 6 pm.

The Wheel lead in would help the CBS Evening News. The old WICU ratings indicated that channel 12 viewers of Wheel at 6 stayed with WICU for NBC network news and then again stayed for the local news with a veteran news team. The 6:30 break brought a real premium for WICU.

Of course the content and the look of the newscast would have to be upgraded for local prime time to really make a ratings dent, but I feel it could produce better ratings than they have now. This simple programming move would not cost them an extra dime. (Actually they could save the dime and put it toward HD digital which would also give them a programming edge)

Look at Erie television history Brian and learn. Oh! Who am I kidding! This is SJL/Lilly. They have to do everything the hard way.

Congress passed a law on February 1, 2006, setting a final deadline for the DTV transition of February 17, 2009. Most television stations will continue broadcasting both analog and digital programming until February 17, 2009, when all analog broadcasting will stop.." FCC

Wednesday...An EMGR Chat Down On Multiple Station Ownership In the Same Market.


Anonymous said...

IIRC, Channel 24 made a big dent in WICU's 7 PM weekday news when it started airing M*A*S*H reruns in syndication at that timeslot back around 1979-80 or thereabouts. That was really the first shot fired across 12's bow, followed in 1981 by hiring Eric Johnson away from WICU to become WJET-TV ND.

The M*A*S*H strategy around 1979 would have roughly coincided with WJET bringing in Shriver, Stevens, and Evans (actually there was another "new" sportscaster before John Evans who didn't last too long but I don't remember his name....does anyone else?) to upgrade their on-air news product. So the fact that their 6 PM news was doing much better & grabbing significant audience probably didn't hurt....those people stayed tuned to 24 at 7 PM to watch M*A*S*H instead of the "Hotline" since (1) they had already seen the local news at 6 PM, and (2) TV remote controls were not as common, and it took some effort to get up and go across the room to change channels --- as compared to nowadays, anyhow.

Anonymous said...

In a perfect broadcast world, with local ownership and NO CONSULTANTS, the idea would work. Considering most consultants are 25-35 years old, they have no knowledge of 'the way it used to be' and often have higher ups they answer to.

I always remember as a youth "Hotline News" being on in my house even YEARS before the syndicated Wheel ever appeared for the first time, in fact even before Wheel ever debuted on NBC in 1975.

Had it not been for a nervous breakdown that led to Pat Sajak getting the job, wonder if Chuck Woolery would be hosting Wheel today? Also seem to remember a former NFL player hosting it for a short time.

Jack Tirak said...

Actually, WJET started makking a dent even before Mash with Gilligan. However, that didn't really hurt WICU Hotline News except with younger numbers. It was the lack of younger demos that really caused WICU to switch. Oddly enough, their HUT levels (mostly with older) was still very high.

IN Erie PA it doesn't make sense to have 3 newscasts at 6pm. Somethings gotta give. I can think of another option that SJL/Lilly could use but it could lead to more lost jobs rather than using the resources of the combined newsforce.

Anonymous said...

The Sportscaster before John Evans arrived at WJET was Ken White.

Anonymous said...

Wheel of Fortune debuted in 1975? Why did I think it was sometime in the 80's?

A little off topic, but I was a little annoyed this morning at WJET 5:30-6:00 a.m. news. The sports segment didn't give any details (or the final score) of the Monday night football game. Most people (like me) fall asleep before it's over and watch for that the next morning. Am I missing something, it seems like a no brainer? Maybe I missed it later in the morning?

Anonymous said...

I'm loving the WICU formula! Something different and unique - that's what Erie TV needs!

Jack Tirak said...

The idea is to shake-up Erie TV and nobody has that opportunity today more than WSEE.

Anonymous said...

Action News debuted in the Fall of 1979. The name of the sportcaster that pre-dates John Evans was not Ken White. Ken was a weekend sports anchor starting in the 1980s if I'm not mistaken. John started in early 1980 at JET after leaving WRIE. That seemed to be the year that the remaining 70's WRIE talent left. Smokey Burns left in early 1980 too, as did Bill Lacy who joined WBEN from WRIE in 1980.

Perhaps, asking Don Shriver or Joey Stevens would yield the correct answer.

Anonymous said...

Always thought Gilligan ran on WSEE in the 7:00 hour in the 70's. Don't remember JET running it too. Course, I was out of the market for the most part from 1977-1983 (Corry, Meadville, Jamestown NY then Parkersburg, WV before coming to K104 in 1983.

Anonymous said...

The nightly syndicated Pat Sajak Wheel of Fortune did debut in 1983.
The first network presentation of Wheel was 1975 to try and combat The Price Is Right in the 11AM time slot.

Jack Tirak said...

Now you got me puzzled about Gilligan. I thought I remembered it on WJET at 7 but you could be right about it being on at the same time on 35. I should remember that. When it aired, I considered it good counterprogramming to WICU news at the time. Same holds true for today but in reverse.

Anonymous said...

The sports anchor at JET-TV before John Evans was Bill Fields. He lasted about 6 months. Awful! Evans joined Shriver and Stevens in early 1980. It was the beginning of a modern news dynasty that coninues at 24 today... without 'em. Hotline News was the dynasty of another era...great vintage local TV news. As I recall, 12 had as much to do with the end of that dynasty as 24 did. 12 sort of imploded with bad decisions back, don't ya think? they have never recovered.

Jack Tirak said...

Erie TV Dude...

I agree that WICU had as much to do with their implosion as WJET and Eric Johnson and the gang had to do with building a quality news organization.

However, I think the current batch of mature reporters on WICU are vast improvement over those days of spin the anchor.

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes! "Spin the TV-12 Anchor!"

Hmmmm, let's see........

* Kate Hubben
* Catherine Bosley
* Mark Spain
* Dianna Palotas
* Annette Tyler
* Renee Phillips
* Melissa "Lisa" Guyton
* Chris Knowles
* Kiran Chetry
* Anthony "Tony Victor" Fulgenzio
* Linda Passariello
* Angie Dickson

Shit! Either I have a really good memory or I need to get a life!?

(I think I need to get a life!?)

At least Channel 12 has been stable for several years. Thank God the roller coaster ride appears to be over!

Anonymous said...

Couple names on that list long forgotten about. Be kinda interesting to see 'where they are now'.

In a web search:

1) Catherine Bosley is at WUAB/CBS 19-Cleveland.

2) Linda Passariello is at WEWS.

3) Kiran Chetry of course is at Fox News along with Chris Knowles. I think they're married to each other.

4) Mark Spain appears to be at First Coast News (Ch's. 25/12 in Jacksonville, FL.

5)Dianna Palotas appears to be at RNews in Rochester, NY (along with John DiTullio).

That's all I could find. Google is a wonderful thing, lol.

Anonymous said...

John DiTullio is no longer with R News in Rochester. He is now handling morning sports duties across town at WHAM 1180. Good news for local residents since WHAM has a great 50,000 signal that reaches Erie easily. This is according to

Jack Tirak said...

You guys have done a great job of filling in Erie broadcast history. Thanks for your continued updates.

Anonymous said...

Why not this:

6pm - Wheel of Fortune
6:30pm - WSEE Newswatch
7pm - CBS News w/Katie Couric
7:30pm - Jeopardy!

It could work. Who says WSEE has to go to 7 to be different? Do 6:30pm and try and be bold about it!

Anonymous said...

There are some markets that run network news at 7pm (especially bigger markets that actually have an hour of worthwhile local news) so...why not?

Anonymous said...

Why not just eliminate WSEE news?

The sad fact is there just isn't enough news for 3 station's to cover in Erie.


Jack Tirak said...

I don't agree with the last comment. While the product may need improvement, to remove it will would only eliminate needed competition. I say give it a fresh look and start time.

Remember it took WJET a decade to overcome WICU dominance. And it has taken WICU news at least that long to rebuild and show some chuztpa. (that's for my jewish friends)

Anonymous said...

Linda Passariello is no longer with WEWS-TV. 16 months ago she left the station and is now a freelance/part-time reporter with WJLA-TV in Washington, D.C. Catherine Bosley gained some notoriety when she participated in a wet t-shirt contest. Catherine got out of hand, removed her top and danced topless for all to see. Catherine ended up being fired from her anchor job in Youngstown and made it to "Good Morning America" to be interviewed by Diane Sawyer. The most hilarious part was when Catherine said "it was a team effort" in her decision to "drop the top!" Diane Sawyer couldn't believe it. Do some internet searches on this. (Edit)

Anonymous said...


OK so what does Catherine Bosleys mistakes have to do with duopolies? Pay attention! Besides, she dances NAKED! Not just topless and I have the pics to prove it!

Anonymous said...

Catherine Bosley...NAKED????? Now there's a scary sight!

Anonymous said...

(Editor's Note:) I moved this comment to this post rather than the one it was posted at.

Since we're reminiscing about on-air news/weather/sports people from the good old days, why not salespeople too ?

Let's start with Doug Davis, who not only was a salesman for TV24 but also did the sports there at one time too.

IIRC, Sudsy worked in the sales dept at the end of his career after he left the news dept. {Did any of the on-air 'talent' at other stations double as salespeople, either while they were on-the-air or before/after ?}

And don't forget the great Art Hoffman who could sell freezers to Eskimos (or something like that).

Other names that come to mind from the hallowed hallways of upper Peach St. are Terry Fiske, Greg Palmer, Bob Bach, and Mike George.

Jack Tirak said...

Bob Bach was Johnny Holiday on the old WJET long before he moved into sales.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes...sales people!! I have a few that I remember with fondness.

Kenny Kightlinger. I met him when I started at of the funniest and nicest people I've ever met in this business. A master of politically incorrect humor and I loved him for that!

Ken Wakeman. When I started at WWFM (a beautiful music that frequency is occupied by Classy 100) I was an 18 year old kid that didn't know Percy Faith from Perry Como. I worked from 6-mid on Saturday night. From 6-7 we ran the "Hawaiian Hour" hour of Hawaiian music brought to you by Bross and Banko Exxon. That was Kenny's baby and on my first night he showed up at the station to make sure that this "new punk kid" played the spots correctly. I did and we got along famously.

Bud Casane...from WWYN. I'll always remember the big sign that hung over the door for all the sales staff to see. In big letters it read "YCSTBSOA'...meaning "You Can't Sell Time By Sitting On Your Ass." Talk about motivation!!

Jack Tirak said...


You really bring back great memories. And yes Ken was a riot..right down to his last day. And when he and Jim DaValle got together. You were on the floor laughing so hard. Ken was a real friend.

Anonymous said...

Looking fondly back on sales people I worked with in radio that certainly were unique in their personalities.

-Ron Smith (Reiff) at WWCB in Corry.
Kinda reminded me of Herb Tarlach of WKRP in his look and dress of the 70's.

-Bruce Dawson at WYSS in saegertown-Meadville. Think Bruce had worked at WCCK previous to that.

And, of course, Erie's Ron Smith of WCCK and WEYZ. The guy had the quickest wit. Every time ya teased him.."ya a**hole" surely was in his response back. The guy could sell sand to a Floridian...I think he invented the word 'trade' in the radio business. All in all, one of my favorite salespeople to work with.

Jack Tirak said...


HD is never off topic here. lol

Anonymous said...

love the site!

Anonymous said...

Wow - you guys have great
memories and (obviously) a
lot of time on your hands!


Tom Lopez
(now Jay Lopez)