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Sunday, December 03, 2006

Shout-It-Out December 3- December 9

(Editor’s Note: EMGR created” Shout-It-Out!” for anyone who has a need to go off-topic in the posted subject. It should still be a media topic...meaning about newspaper, radio or TV. A new “Shout-It-Out!” will be posted each week for you to comment or reply to a comment made in that week. All weeks will stay active if you feel you need to comment further on a previous week. All the usual rules still apply as to language, personal courtesy and appropriateness. Any off topic remarks from another thread, maybe moved to “Shout-It-Out!” for that week. )


Anonymous said...

No Joey Stevens this past week at WSEE. Normally this wouldn't even rate a blip but the week he missed was the final week of the November Ratings Sweeps.

If Joey is still such a popular personality in Erie and has an incalculable value to WSEE then why did Lower Peach Street let him have the final week of sweeps off????

Could a MAJOR change be in the air at Lower Peach Street? Is this the beginning of the end for the last of Erie Media's "Old Guard?"

Maybe Lower Peach is finally going to be taking care of its last major on-air expense?

"Good Night And Good Luck"

Jack Tirak said...

Your not the first person to comment on this. See the Joey/Fidel thread.

It was also mentioned that Joey's contact may include a provision to allow him to take whatever weeks he wants off without restriction.

I don't know if that is true or not. However, during the last week of sweeps, it is unusual to substitute.

Haveing said that, I would expect Joey would be back.

Anonymous said...

How WSEE can keep the overcompensated Joey Stevens on staff, while laying off all the other people they have in recent years is beyond me.

It's very simple really. Stevens simply hasn't produced! WSEE is still a third-rate outfit, with subpar ratings!

The whole idea of bringing Stevens to WSEE was that he'd help the ratings there improve substantially. Same thing with bringing Don Shriver aboard.

If anything, Stevens exists as the symbol of the last overpaid local media blowhard whose compensation isn't balanced by his ability to attract viewers (and raise ratings).

It's well past time for WSEE to cut him loose.

And who cares if he's popular in the Caribbean? If that's the case, maybe he should go work in Southern Florida or Cuba. How does that benefit Erie at all?

Anonymous said...

If Joey Stevens is the most popular "weather reader" in the market, then why did WJET allow him to be hired by WSEE?

My theory is that Nexstar Broadcasting knew Joey was an overrated, overpaid, egotistical personality with minimal impact on ratings. I figure the combined salaries of Misters Atkins, DiVecchio and Neudorff equal what Joey Boy is making a year. An excellent move for JET! Let the overpaid ego go and get a 3-for-1! NICE!

My proof is WSEE had no ratings success whatsoever once Mr. Stevens started doing his weather schtick for the Lower Eyeball!

I'm very glad Joey is so popular in the Caribbean - well, not really! I am not happy at all that WSEE fired a couple dozen employees yet chooses to keep Joey and his BLOATED salary.

If LILLY BROADCASTING cannot turn a profit after dumping Don Shriver and Lisa Zompa's massive contracts then perhaps they really don't know how to run a Television station. At least Joey is happy! And I am certain his paycheck will never run the risk of bouncing!

Jack Tirak said...

Just to add a little balance to this. NEXSTAR also did considerable downsizing when they took over WJET.

Shriver and Stevens were going to be part of the downsizing if they didn't agree to a new lower contact. WSEE, at the time, paid the higher price. Shriver and Stevens did contribue heaveily to WJET-TV News numbers but you can't ignor what Eric Johnson and the other team of reporters that were hired by Jones and Kanzius also contributed to the success.

Anonymous said...

Why do On air broadcasters in this town have such different personalities when off camera? You know what I mean? The type of on air personality that is always smiling and happy and joking around with others!

The minute the camera is off they act surly towards fellow co-workers. They always have a scowl on their face and that act like you are crap beneath their shoes.

I guess that is why they are in front of the camera - they are such good performers!

If only people knew the truth? They would be shocked!

Anonymous said...

While some may feel that Joey Stevens, Lisa Zompa, and Don Shriver and all of the "Old Guard" were overpaid, the fact of the matter is longevity in the market was valued and people were paid accordingly. Corporate profits weren't the bottom line...a quality product was, and people were paid accordingly. The fact that a professional reporter in Erie makes as much as a cashier at Wal-Mart is a disgrace. Instead of cutting up Joey Stevens and the "Old Guard", think about how corporate greed has shrunk your paychecks to a pathetic amount, even for a town as small as Erie!

Anonymous said...

Shriver and Stevens were the benefit at JET of everyone elses hard work. Did Don ever go into the field at JET? Nope - not until WSEE forced him to because they were short handed. What did Stevens do? Just stood in front of a camera and read the forecast that ACCU-WEATHER PREPARED!

Everyone else at JET got table scraps while the Don and Joey show got salaries that people in Cleveland or Pittsburgh would get.

It must be gratifying to get credit for other people's hard work? Oh well, at least it is satisfying to know that the (former) King of Erie TV News is now doing work as a tax preparer! Where's my W-2???

Anonymous said...

I think people that work at McDonald's make more than reporters in Erie?

Would you like fries with that?

Anonymous said...

What did Don Shriver bring to WJET anyway? Didn't he just sit at a desk with a rack of TV monitors behind him? Did he ever really get along with the Sports Guy? From what I heard sports had to fight every night just for 4 minutes to air highlights - even on the slow news nights!

Watching ACTION NEWS with Don Shriver was like watching the news being delivered from a Radio Shack!

They had to have the worst set in the history of Erie TV. And that is saying something!

Anonymous said...

Was John Evans as highly-paid at WJET as Stevens and Shriver?

Evans pissed lots of people off during the pay raise fury when he claimed he could earn more in the private sector.

Yet, wasn't Evans demoted up at WJET years ago? I recall he was dumped as the sports anchor and replaced by Brian Duffy. That action seemed unheard of for such a longtime anchor. Evans had been the head sports guy there for many years.

They still kept Evans after dumping him as sports anchor, but only as a weekend sports guy, and later a news reporter.

Anonymous said...

If you want to speak about arrogance then one need go no further than Brian Duffy. Duffy was probably the most arrogant, stuffy and biggest(edit)in Erie Media history. Perhaps even bigger than Mike Gallagher. Duffy is now the Lord of Sports at Channel 19 in Cleveland. John Evans is happy being out of TV. All those years having to put up with Don Shriver's abuse have been erased now that Evans is out of TV.

Anonymous said...

Why did the other anchors always refer to Brian Duffy as "Duff" while they were on-air? That was SO stupid!!!! Very childish.

Anonymous said...

Duffy and Gallagher obviously were quite close. They went to Edinboro together, and Mike Gallagher even named his son "Duffy"

No kiddin!

Jack Tirak said...

I don't think a nickname is unusual at all. As a kid he was probably called Duffy.

On TV it just makes them sound close to refer to him that way.

Anonymous said...

Anyone watching Sunday Night Football on WICU tonight? I don't know what it is with WICU but the picture quality is horrible!!

And it isn't just football, the WICU picture quality has been very poor lately. Is this SJL/Lilly's way of saving money? What the hell is next? Broadcasting in Black and White?

Get with it WICU! Please! Is it too much to ask for a quality picture? (Jack, don't answer that! I know what you will say already!)

Anonymous said...

I see FOX 66 News at Ten did a story tonight about a homeowner whose Holiday Lights were stolen.

Why is this news? I guess it was a very slow day? This happens every year to more than one family. Yet FOX (and earlier ACTION NEWS) decided to make a large story out of it! They actually told me how I could keep my house and family safe! HaHaHa!!

All this over the theft of two snowmen? Oh for the days of the HOTLINE and 11TH HOUR NEWS!

Memo to Lou Baxter: Tell your weekend staff to do real stories. Who cares if an inflatable snowman was stolen. Lllllllllllou Baxter!

Anonymous said...

FOX and JET are protecting us from the godless snowman thieves this holiday season!!!!

Thank you Louie B!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, You guys can pick on JET and Fox all you want... but the next time snowman-snatchers are in the area, I will be safe. They are certainly on my side. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, what a joke.

Anonymous said...

Does anybody remember when Don Shriver was on Letterman's Top 10 List? The topic was something along the lines of "Top 10 Lines a News Anchor shouldn't use when signing off."

This had to be over 5 years ago. I didn't know he was going to be on Dave that night. My friend and I were watching, they got all the way to #1, and to our suprise it was Don. Anyway, I was trying to recall exactly what his quote was. Something like: "Honey, I'll be home late from work tonight. I'm sleeping with you sister."

Anybody remember?

Anonymous said...

Actually he made #1:

"By the way honey, if you;re watching tonight, I'm sleeping with your sister."

Anonymous said...

The stolen snowman story "was" real news you news neophytes!
It was the common man fed up with petty crime during the holidays.
N0 it wasn't a sex scandal or city budget story but it was unique. Last time I checked the other romper rooms in town, they didn't even have Sunday late newscasts. So put that in your rundown and stack it!!!!

Anonymous said...

I think Dan Wells, Lou Baxter and the entire ACTION NEWS team are on snowman watch tonight!?

New Slogan: "This Holiday Season Trust ACTION NEWS To Help Keep Your Christmas Decorations Safe From The Godless Thieves!"


Anonymous said...

Hey stooge! A Stolen Snowman IS NOT NEWS!!!!! You mean to tell me that in a DMA with a population of over 220,000 there wasn't one NEWSWORTHY story?

I think it was just someone at JET who knew an Old Guy who was upset someone stole Frosty!?



Anonymous said...

NEOPHYTE (N) - A recent convert to a belief.

Hmmm. Maybe you should learn to use the word with the proper meaning you fraud!?

FRAUD (N) - A person who makes deceitful pretenses.

The above anonymous poster is a FRAUD!

That's right, I'm BAAAAAAACK!

Jack Tirak said...

You guys are tough.

I think they have done a story about missing decorations every Christmas Season. Sometimes from a public decoration but also from private homes.

While it may not be a main story, it does desevere to be coverd. Theft of Frost (I can't believe I am saying this) is a personal investment that is lost.

While I didn't see the story, I hope they gave advise on how you can minimize such thefts. That would be helpful to the viewer.

Anonymous said...

"Theft of Frosty"

Jack - when I read what you said I spit by drink all over the place and busted out laughing. That was freaking hilarious!

By the way, when Dan wells was teasing the FOX 10pm news it was the first story he read. Do you think the theft of some old guys "Frosty the Snowman" should be the lead story on the 10pm news?

Hey, someone took the lid from my garbage can! Do you think ACTION NEWS will go wall-to-wall with team coverage on this?

Think about it? Lou Baxter live from the scene of the heist! Brian Sheridan live from Lakeview Landfill and finally Dan "Mr. Frosty" Wells with commentary on what this means to garbe cans everywhere!

Anonymous said...



Coming Tomorrow: Frosty Stolen - Day 3

Jack Tirak said...

At least you are posting it in the right place. I can't fault you for that.

Anonymous said...

I think I found frosty!!!??? No, wait! It was my neighbor's Frosty!


Anonymous said...

I noticed on Friday night during the 11pm news WSEE was off air (due to "technical difficulties") for 7 minutes.

More disturbing is the fact that this is the Third Friday in a row WSEE has had their Ingest system crash.

The last two Friday's it completely wiped out Gary Drapcho's sports report. They just sat on a slide for 15 minutes and even "hit" the network 3 minutes late!

WSEE needs to decide if they want to serve Erie or SoCal. If SoCal then get the hell out of Erie and sell the station to someone who does want to serve Erie!

Anonymous said...

I guess you lost me on the reference to serving Southern California.

Can you explain ?

Jack Tirak said...

That was Alan who posted that. But interesting you should catch the phrase about SoCal.

That will be the major post for Wedneday. I just need a little more time to check some other facts out.

Stay with me me for a day. You can get an early look at 11pm tomorrow night. It is not a big secret as many people I found out are aware.
Remember that SJL headquarters are in SoCal.

Anonymous said...

Alan Carpenter or Alan B. DuMont ?

Inquiring minds want to know.....

Anonymous said...

I'm curious too. Are you trying to tell us WSEE is in Southern California? Jack, they are on Satellite remember?

In case you forgot Erie's most popular weather reader is on in the Caribbean!

I also saw the WSEE show last Friday. Whats going on there? Seems like every friday something goes wrong. Can't the computer handle the sports show?

Anonymous said...

Oh my God...I can't believe you guys are raggin on JET and FOX so bad. Makin' like you know what makes news and what doesn't. The way I see it, those two stations had a Sunday night newscast this weekend, didn't they? What about 12, 35 or 54? Nope, just 24 and 66. Those guys don't do news just when it's convenient. It's amazing how jealousy can make you look so stupid. Theft of Frosty the Feakin' Snowman...that's what they led with?? I didn't see it...but that's huge! You question that lead story man...and you must work for some wanna-be news outfit. Hell, Bo Koltnow would have loved to do that story...a 10 minute live shot with no video, just all Bo all the time. Shouldn't Ms Frank be missin' him about now?

Anonymous said...

It happened again this evening. WSEE news at 11pm DID NOT begin until 11:03:44. What did they air? "WE ARE EXPERIENCING TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES"

Maybe WSEE should just get rid of the damn computer? This is becoming an unsettling trend!

(By the way, Pat VanZandt didn't look happy at all!) The live shot with the new guy right outside the station was a audio for the anchor!

Jack Tirak said...

For inquireing minds...that was Alan B. DuMont.As for the rest, sit tight while I make sure I get the entire story.

Jack Tirak said...

The problems at WSEE technical are no differnet than any other SJL/Lilly station. Check past posts and links to other stations. Particularly KHON. Polish? Thatis what you use to clean a Lilly diamond.

Anonymous said...

But Jack the problems at WSEE are occuring with increasing frequency.

Things were bad at WSEE before but now it's going straight to worse!

I've slammed the reporters at WSEE before. However, when you try your best to put on a newscast and then have the computer crash, its gotta be disheartening?

That being said, I'm glad the Lilly's look like Damn fools!

Jack Tirak said...

I can't disagree with you.

Anonymous said...

What it this about KHIZ and WSEE I read on Erieblogs?

Anonymous said...

A previous poster needs to check into the SoCal connection. The Lilly boys are producing a morning show for KHIZ. It's a cable operation that serves roughly 2 to 2.5 million homes in SoCal. That b'cast originates in Erie. The time and effort for this b'cast pulls needed time and effort from Erie operations.

Google "Lilly & KHIZ and see what you come up with, the results will interest your viewers.

Jack Tirak said...

Erieblogs guest right. Give me some time this morning to eat and put things together before I write a special posting on this issue.

Anonymous said...

I am happy to see some good conversation again on this blog... I am also happy to see someone taking stabs at JET. No longer teachers favorite are we? Anyway, I'm looking forward to this post you (Jack) speak of.

Anonymous said...

It looks like it is easy to ASSUME that a deceit is taking place, the Erie Blogs link showed that they deliver local news, local traffic, and local weather. If they in fact give those things, one should ASSUME that NO deception took place. When it comes to the "central casting", if it is used to replace jobs, that is wrong. If it can ADD a product that can give local information, there is no problem, and possibly gives an expansion option later down the road.

Anonymous said...

What happened to WSEE last night? The news was terrible!

WSEE is spending lots of money to scam a couple million viewers in Southern California.

WSEE can't spend the money to produce a decent local newscast for their FIRST AUDIENCE in ERIE, PA!

Lets see...why does SoCal get a quality local newscast while Erie gets s**t!!??

This is a really disturbing development.

Thanks to Jack, Alan B. and ErieBlogs for alerting the Erie public to this "CON" of unprecedented arrogance!

Anonymous said...

I called WSEE to ask Tracy Stufft about this. She hung up on me after I mentioned the purpose of my call!

Poor, pittyfull WSEE!

Jack Tirak said...

I know that many at WSEE read this blog. You can tell from some of the comments.

It would seem that someone would tell Tracy (who I know and liked) that she is coming off and portraying the station as a bitch.

Anonymous said...



This question is vital to the future of Erie:

Can I get some rankings on mustaches?

I'll start:
1. Don Shriver
2. Lafferty
3. Bremner

Anonymous said...


Any word on the stolen Frosty Decorations? Is JET going to start a new nightly program (ala Nightline) until the Frosty's are returned?

Coming Up Tomorrow:


Anonymous said...

Mustache Rankings:

1. Sean Lafferty
2. Don Shriver
3. Scott Bremner

Anonymous said...

Oh my God! Not another Frosty update!

Anonymous said...

Did FOX and JET find the bastards who stole Frosty?

I think they should go wall to wall coverage until Frosty is found!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Lou Gatozzi will do an editorial against stealing Christmas decorations !

Anonymous said...

Tonight at 11! An update on the theft of Frosty!


Jack Tirak said...

I think the Frosy fun is a bit chilly. Actually, Frosty was found in the desert town near Barstow, California anchoring the news for the North Pole. But he had to be fast has his microphone melted.

Anonymous said...

Jack, will the Alan B. DuMont mystery ever be revealed? If this person who is on your editorial board is an employee of a local broadcast station as has been strongly hinted, then I think that we, your loyal readers deserve to know this.

Jack Tirak said...

I will let Alan answer that, but I will say that you look for spies in all the wrong places.

Anonymous said...

I wish for my identity and employment to remain confidential for the time being.

Jack and his staff have no hidden agenda. They only wish to see Erie Media grow and prosper in the 21st Century.

If the Erie region is to be truly forward thinking we must have access to the latest technology. Included in this is Digital and High Definition Television.

Many of you have expressed your skepticism towards DTV and HDTV. We did not make this decision. The FCC in accordance with the United States Congress has mandated that ALL over-the-air TV be Digital by February 2009.

Once this transition has taken place the government can allocate the Analog frequencies to the Emergency Service workers that so desperately need more spectrum space.

In closing, this is not the wish of a small group of concerned local citizens. This is a National Safety and Security Issue.

Alan B. DuMont

Anonymous said...

Just tell us who this friggin guy is! Or is he just a figment of your imagination?

We have a right to know who is spreading these lies about WSEE.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the coward isn't a man after all but a female?

Thats it! Tiraks imaginary friend is a female!

Jack Tirak said...

Why do you make the assumtion that there is only one?

Anonymous said...

I heard thet the Lillys are the ones actually behind 9/11, that they did it just to confuse the Fed Gov. and delay HD rollout! It all makes sense now. The truth is out there somewhere! LOL

Jack Tirak said...

A special note to the Anonymous that I rejected two posts from.

"Take your pistol down and put it back in your holster."

Anonymous said...

If a tree falls down in the forest and no one is around to hear it fall did it really make a noise as it fell?

If WSEE produces a newscast for California from Pennsylvania and no one in California watches the newscast does the newscast actually exist?

Anonymous said...

If someone has two or three drinks before going on the air and no one knows about it is it considered being intoxicated while on air?

Anonymous said...

shouldn't it be Alan "B.S." Dumont?????

Anonymous said...

do you disclose everything, jack? Have you ever disclosed that a memeber of your "staff" is a member of the local media? That can have a definite bias towards or against other stations (as it obviously already has). There may not be a "hidden" agenda, but there is definite bias on this blog. I think your staff members name rhymes with shrian beridan...

Jack Tirak said...

My bias is spelled out very clearly in my statepment of purpose. The very first thing you can read when you get to EMGR every single day. I make no bones about haveing a specific bias and it is so stated.

As for my staff of volunteers, which grows regularly, your imagination still amazes me.

(I moved your comment because it belongs here as it had nothing to do with the original post.)

Anonymous said...

To the jagoff that related the 9/11 disaster to an Erie TV owner. That's inappropriate and insensitive to those that either died or have a love one or friend that died. This is a good blog. It's informative, intresting and funny. But this goes over the line. Some people really need to grow up and think about the (edit)they say.

Anonymous said...

(Sigh!) Here we go again! Gentlemen: I said I am not going to divulge my identity. However, I will not stand by and let certain individuals try and guess my identity merely to cause trouble. I AM NOT BRIAN SHERIDAN. I am not an on-air personality. I have a deep love and appreciation for Erie media - as does Jack Tirak and the rest of our staff. Thanks for trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill. I will say this: we have contributing members from every TV and radio station in Erie, both AM and FM. It is useless to try and guess my identity. We are fair and balanced. If we see a problem with WSEE we will report it. If we see a problem with WJET we will report it.

By the way, there are a lot of people in Erie Television that are fans of James Bond Movies.

In conclusion, my identity is not Brian Sheridan who is in no way connected with this blog.

I apologize for any misunderstanding this may have caused Mr. Sheridan.

To the person in question, if WSEE spent as much time trying to give Digital Television to Erie as you are trying to guess my Identity, Erie would have 5 TV Stations in Digital instead of 4.

Seasons Greetings

- Alan B. DuMont, et. al.

Anonymous said...

Did the Police recover Frosty yet? I'm surprised FOX and JET aren't all over this story?

Hey, Louie B - you need to go on FROSTY watch!


Jack Tirak said...

The temperatures have warmed so there is no more Frosty. The same is true on this blog. One week of laughts is enough.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...