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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Investigating Masturbation Investigating. Now There’s a Topic All Erie Wants To Know About.

Embarrassing Moment #4

Those who don’t watch the 11pm local news or use TIVO might have seen Monday’s Jon Stewart’s Daily Show investigative report on investigating masturbation in Cleveland. (See Malcom, there are topics worth covering)

Carl Monday is WKYC Channel 3’s investigative reporter and recently did an “undercover” story on masturbating in the Cleveland Public Library where he confronted the purpetrators in the to speak. The folks at Comedy Central thought it would be fun to do an old Mike Wallace type sabotage. This time…sabotage the sabotager, Carl Monday. The bit was real and funny.

Carl on his own blog, put it this way:

It's 7:30am...and a "reporter" and two photographers are camped out at the end
of my driveway. Wait...isn't that my job?

The "reporter" approaches and barks out something like this......"Carl, I'm a big fan of yours. How do you like going after sleeze bags?"

This must be some kind of a joke. Well, in fact it is. The kind you find on Comedy Central. More to the point, the cable commedy icon....John Stewart Show. Yea, I know the guy is enormously popular...even hosted the Oscars....but at 11pm..I'm usually watching the local news and admit to not owning Tivo.

So that's my excuse for not immediatley recognizing the crew that confronted me the other morning (my wife was next to me in the car if you don't believe me.)

Seems Stewart's producers sent the crew to Cleveland to do a "bit" on me. They hung around all day...sticking their microphone in the faces of downtowners...and Channel 3 staffers. They hung around the station...and finally, by late afternoon...we "confronted" them...a case of dueling confrontations if you the Channel 3 parking lot.

The "reporter" asked rediculous questions..and wasted no time
regressing to comments about the "library story." You can guess where the "interview" went from there.

Through the efforts of Ohio Media Watch… here is the unedited confrontation just as it happened. It looks like dualing mikes. (Carol Pella was never so lucky. But then again you never know what she really saw behind city council tables at Erie City Hall.)

Click for the Unedited Comedy Central Interview of Carl Monday.


Anonymous said...

Investigating Masturbating?? Hmmm, I think Carl Monday needs to come to Erie and "Investigate" the little problem Presque Isle has with certain "visitors" at the Beach 1 area!

Seriously though, I have known Carl since he was an investigative reporter with WJW FOX 8. Carl is a dogged reporter who always gets his facts straight for a story. Erie needs a Carl Monday or Carol Pella back!

Anonymous said...


Go to and click on Scott Bremner's blog entry for today. Apparently he has a real problem with recent criticism of the state of Erie TV News.

I guess he can't stand the heat/fire? Time to get out of the kitchen, Scott!

Jack Tirak said...

If I remember correctly, reports were done about Presque Isle and and other such spots in Erie by the Erie Times many years ago.

Jack Tirak said...

Actually, I thought Scott wrote a very good and fair piece. The veterans in TV news, I believe, really want to do more but the current system prevents it. Young reporters don’t have a chance anymore to learn from the seasoned reporters like Scott. Resources…Resources...the lack thereof and new competition. That is what makes it so hard.

I know what he is talking about. I pulled cable, ran camera, shaded video, done audio, shot sports and edited film by hand. (I doubt most would know what do to do with film cement other than sniff it)

I’ve done election coverage, been the interviewer, and produced documentaries for the Navy and Air Force for and about Vietnam. (That is what brought me back to Erie) It is tough work. Scott is right. But it makes it a bit easier when management gives you the right tools.

What Erie broadcasting needs again are broadcasters.

Anonymous said...

Perthaps if Scott spent as much time laboring over his craft as a reporter as he does on Erieblog, WSEE would be out of the ratings basement and the quality of TV news would vastly improve.
I'll beat ya a dozen donuts that Scott wrote his "essay" while the assignment editor begged him to get off his duff and hit the streets!

Anonymous said...

that's why those of us who do want to learn it have now turned to podcasting/vidcasting.