Note: EMGR has moved to its own domain name. This site will remain online (but with closed comments) until roughly July 1, 2007. Please update your bookmarks to visit EMGR at its new location:

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

"Go Ahead....Make My Day!"


In the last 24 hours, there has been an invasion of SPAM to spread rumor, gossip, false information, threats and inappropriate language. EMGR is about opinion, exchange of ideas and debate, but not about unconfirmed rumor or personal character attacks by name. (If you have information.. email me or note in your post that it is confidential)

If you have an issue with a coworker or management, resolve it internally and move on. Don’t even try to use EMGR for trying to even a score or spread rumor.

Each such post that I reject for violating those simple principles will be saved. I do record the IP address of that poster’s computer and can ping that computer for verification.

I can reveal that several federal agencies have monitored EMGR. I have no hesitation to report those offending IP addresses accordingly based on the severity. I keep identities confidential of anyone who writes me privately, but will not tolerate SPAMING of this site for any reason.

If you think I have been over sensitive in editing your post, I am sorry but even code words have been used and I would rather edit than allow something unintentional.

If you don’t believe me….TRY ME! But you better stay close to the phone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now playing the role of Dirty Harry, Jack Tirak!